Dental Crowns in Hutto, TX

A dental crown is a great way to repair and improve the appearance of a damaged tooth. Highlight Family Dentistry offers quality restorative dentistry services if you're in the Hutto, TX, area and are interested in getting a crown.

What Are Dental Crowns in Hutto, TX?

Dental crowns are dental restorations that cover a damaged or decayed tooth. Crowns can also improve your tooth's appearance if it is discolored or misshapen. They are made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal.

Who Needs a Crown?

You might need a dental crown for many reasons. Some of the most common uses include the following:

  • To repair a tooth that is cracked or broken
  • To restore a tooth that is severely decayed
  • To cover and strengthen a tooth with a large filling
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To cover a dental implant

What Can I Expect During a Crown Procedure?

Getting a dental crown is fairly simple. First, the tooth is prepared by removing any damaged or decayed material. Next, an impression is made of the tooth so the crown can be custom-made. Once the crown is ready, it is placed over the tooth and bonded into place.

The entire procedure usually takes place over two or three dental appointments. After the crown is placed, you may experience some sensitivity or discomfort, but this should go away within a few days. Getting a dental crown is a quick and easy way to restore your smile.

Does It Hurt To Get a Dental Crown?

Many people forgo getting a crown because they're afraid it will be painful. However, getting a crown is a painless process. Your mouth will be numb during the procedure so you won't feel anything. Some patients may experience some discomfort after the procedure. However, this discomfort is usually very mild and goes away quickly. If needed, patients can take over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen to help.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns typically last 10 to 20 years, depending on the material they are made from. The best way to ensure your crown lasts as long as possible is to practice good oral hygiene habits. Visit us regularly for cleanings and checkups, and follow a good oral care routine, like brushing and flossing daily.

Where Can I Get Dental Crowns Near Me?

If you're searching for dental crowns in Hutto, TX, look no further than Highlight Family Dentistry. Our professional and caring team is dedicated to providing the highest quality care possible. We understand how important having a beautiful and healthy smile is, which is why we provide comprehensive dental services to help you achieve your perfect smile. Call us at 512-886-2644 or use our online form to schedule your appointment today!